For many who have served, the ability to connect with others, relax, and BE in the present moment, is hampered by post traumatic stress.

The symptoms of this post traumatic stress may include anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, and anger. In addition, the hyper-vigilance that served our Warriors so well in the military can become an obstacle to reintegration into their families, friend groups, and communities. Triggering situations can invoke physiological reactions which then become “reminders'' of past traumatic experiences. Trauma survivors, including our Military members, who seek to control these catastrophic feelings may avoid treatment for many years. A mask becomes part of their wardrobe.

Feelings of isolation commonly arise when attempts to make connections with others, especially civilians, is so difficult.

Partnering with horses in a welcoming outdoor setting has been shown by research to reduce heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol (adrenaline) levels, allowing our Warriors to finally breathe again and find peace through the calming of their mind and body. Whether receiving equine assisted therapy, working through therapeutic activities for growth and development, aquiring relationship-based horsemanship skills, or learning to ride, Horsepowered Healing programs are customized to best fit the individual or group seeking help.

As our Warriors practice new skills, interact, and challenge each other, they become part of something larger than themselves.

They begin to experience positive thoughts, less anxiety, decreased depression, and feelings of improved self worth. They begin to see themselves as trustworthy again, because that is the way the horse sees them. Horsepowered Healing encourages our Warriors to push themselves out of their comfort zone so that new learning occurs, trust is built, relationships grow, and joy is rediscovered. 

 Why Partner With Horses?

Because of their highly intuitive sense, horses allow us to address both our visible and our invisible wounds. The imposing size of a horse requires us to be present in the moment and have a level of situational and self-awareness which can be missing or lessened by traumatic events. Using a hands-on approach, participants learn by doing and practicing instead of talking about strategies that might be useful in the future. By taking notice of non-verbal communication and horse behavioral responses, participants are able to recognize patterns which often play out in their relationships at work, home, or in the community. Many individuals suffer silently in a world of isolation. Horses help break this social barrier, providing participants with the motivation and insight to make the needed changes in their lives. For some individuals, horses provide the key to unlock the door to finding a way back to a life of quality.

Horsepowered Healing programs ensure individualized experiences which optimize the interactions and healing capacity of the horses. In a nurturing, secure, outdoor environment, you can be assured your privacy will be respected. Horsepowered Healing professionals all have the experience and dedication to work with military populations. Having earned the Military Program designation by the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), ensures that your service providers have met advanced training and experience requirements and are well versed in military culture.

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